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Pinch of Management from Nature

Determination is the most vital factor in success, without which reaching own goals is merely impossible. People around you who care for you can motivate you, guide you for achieving your success but without own willingness and determination to change yourself nothing is possible. It is you who have to drive yourself towards success and keep continue fighting for your goals.

Recently I visited one of the magnificent botanical gardens there was one independent section for bonsai plants, I felt bizarre to visit that place I entered and witnessed many plants neatly arranged in the miniature pots. While I was watching this gorgeous place two plants enticed my attention by there unique appearance, these plants even though they were bonsai and kept in the diminutive pot by some means they managed to grow larger than the actual bonsai in the same tiny space. Yes! That was an amazing example of determination and the same applies to humans too if a person determines to be successful then you are unstoppable no space, no hinderance can stop you.

The focus  for our life, goals, and success is the access to all perception, memory, knowledge, interpretation, coping with challenges and making decisions. Definitely, one will lose the quality output in the absence of focus.

We all know the old saying, “Birds of like feathers flock together.” however eagle is the only bird who loves to fly alone at the high altitude.  These characteristics make the bird unique, the bird also has other leadership qualities we recognize eagle as the symbol of beauty, fearlessness, audacity, pride, dignity, fortitude and elegance. Good quality which leaders should possess. Watching the eagle sitting on the top-notch of the tree is an amazing feeling, the bird is completely focused on the target observes what is happening down and around, and shooting towards the target only with a winning attitude, not surrendering in any situation.

The successful leader is also focused on the problem irrespective of size, shape and nature of the problem they are focused on bringing the solutions and solving the problem. While the other birds hide themselves during the storm, the eagle is the bird that spreads its mighty wings and uses the current to soar to better heights. The bird has the quality to convert any tussle into a challenge.

Nature is made for humans to learn. Get away from the gadget and enjoy the beautiful nature gifted by God. You will learn to manage your stress, people around you, preserving relations, appreciating others, and realizing the significance of your life.
-Dr. Nikhat M Hamza-


Unknown said…
Very nice information Madam. I appreciate your dedication and love for Nature.Keep It up!!

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