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Showing posts from January, 2017

Women – “From Homemaker to Manager, She can take the World”

It is old news all over the world and even in India that women are doing equally responsible and challenging job like men do to earn bread and butter. The woman,working are still facing unique challenges, unique because all of them are not logical and somehow they are just because of inherited social taboo in all living race on this planet.    Working Woman in India has very different and more challenging schedule as our society has clearly defined work for women and men. New economic equations are challenging the old definition and distribution of work and somehow the redistribution of work today is not done with the fresh idea of justice. Patriarchy attitude has brought inequality in the value of work as work.  Cooking, cleaning, rearing children are some of the work which is considered as woman’s work in a most part of the India. It is the toughest test of the patient, ability, energy and her managerial skills at home as well as on the job. On the...

Tips to manage ego at work place for just entered professional

Even superman does self introspection to accept and convert weakness into strengths.  Though this is utopian example but in professional career we do face situation where ego becomes obstacle in the professional as well as personal growth. Following are the few basic tips to manage the ego smartly at workplace in professional career and win the situation.     ·          Accept the weakness “N obody is perfect “ Nobody is prefect; everyone in this world is mix of strength & weakness, in professional career. Whenever you come across to it first accept it within yourself and try to find the way to overcome. This ever learning attitude will not only enhance your skills but will also develop your personality.   ·          Be flexible towards change is “KEY TO SUCCESS” Welcome the changes around you weather it is a systemic change in work environment or people aroun...