Even superman does self introspection to accept and convert
weakness into strengths. Though this is
utopian example but in professional career we do face situation where ego
becomes obstacle in the professional as well as personal growth. Following are
the few basic tips to manage the ego smartly at workplace in professional
career and win the situation.
the weakness “Nobody is perfect “
Nobody is prefect;
everyone in this world is mix of strength & weakness, in professional
career. Whenever you come across to it first accept it within yourself and try to
find the way to overcome. This ever learning attitude will not only enhance
your skills but will also develop your personality.
Be flexible
towards change is “KEY TO SUCCESS”
Welcome the
changes around you weather it is a systemic change in work environment or
people around you. Flexibility towards changes will give you stress free environment
and work enjoyment.
Generally people
become rigid towards changes, acceptance & responsive. One should always
respect the work done by the others, as everyone is master in their fields and
they perform as per their responsibilities & capabilities. Discrimination
& disrespecting the work done by the others will give the similar reaction
towards your performance .Increase your acceptance level and give positive
reaction & responses towards changes adopted by management.
Self Up
gradation “BE WITH THE TIME”
Don’t compare your abilities with others
try to compete with your own self. Self up- gradation is acquiring new skill
and knowledge for development.