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Cost of wrong appointment to fill right vacancies

There is a smaller margin for error today in hiring and promoting people into key positions, and a greater need to target development efforts to ensure that they really make a difference. A bad senior-level hire or promotion can severely damage a company’s external brand, affecting customer trust and loyalty, and resulting in lost commercial opportunity.

-Brian Clapp

It is very painful to see young generation taking wrong decision of their career as well as the company’s for their growth. In this competitive world the people are putting up their best to get the best. Most of the time in an effort to hire senior at the low cost companies hire a person who is not eligible for that position, it is like “Placing a wrong person in right place”. Getting position is difficult; true but to remain / maintain that position is more difficult, unless the leaders have leadership qualities it is very difficult to justify the position and leadership quality can only be earned by the experience not by the degree, administrative experience is one such thing that cannot be taught by training it can be only learned by the experience. When the company hires an inexperienced person on the senior position no doubt they successfully close the vacancies, but the situation becomes like carrot and stick theory motivational approach The Carrot and Stick approach of motivation is based on the principles of reinforcement and is given by a philosopher Jeremy Bentham, during the industrial revolution. This theory is derived from the old story of a donkey, the best way to move him is to put a carrot in front of him and jab him with a stick from behind. The carrot is a reward for moving while the stick is the punishment for not moving and hence making him move forcefully.
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What does the company lose in this?
·    Person is totally misfit in the culture
·    Productivity loss
·   Increase in rejection / poor quality of work
·   No solution only complaints or excuses
    Loss of moral of other employee
·   The subordinates will always be dissatisfied
·   Increase in organizational politics
   Last but not the least financial losses
·   Cost of hiring again
   Let’s understand through this story “A Wrong Man in Workers' Paradise”
“There was a group of people who worked hard their whole life, GOD kept them separately in one place thinking that since they are hardworking they will do some productive work, and one fine day because of the mistake of gatekeeper one man who never worked in his life entered that group. Because of his inexperience in work he started distracting the worker by building useless thing….
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How does it impact the personal himself/herself who is appointed wrongly?
If you are inexperience fresh or 2-3 years’ experience which is not ok for the position of Assistant manager/ Manager or above,
Since you have been given the position Management will expect you to work as per that position.
    You being inexperience in managerial skills you will feel proud and ego of your position and there will be nobody to guide you what right and wrong because you are the boss.
   You will lose confidence because at the age of learning you opted the wrong option, but when you realized that you are left out far behind it is too late.
·    Mind thinks that you have learnt everything, accepting mistakes also takes lots of courage.
·     At the end you are nothing with no ethics, confidence, and knowledge.

Making the right choice in hiring is very important for the success of any organization, same way opting for right career and position is important for the success of candidate, hence saying “No” is good sometimes.


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