Recent development in our professional society (Industries), I met a person while I was talking to him informally I came to know that he is working for Industries, so I asked him in which department he is working.
I was stunned after I heard this beautiful answer: I am a production guy, but I have to look for Quality, Marketing oh I said how? Again a very confident throw by him, since my Quality and Marketing team are not working properly I take care of both the departments of my plants; as per my knowledge the company is more than 150 crs. Turnover with the good team of Marketing and Quality.
Now, this was really an alarm for me; he kept me wondering that how can a person work in quality and marketing with the core specialization and experience in production. What would be his output? How is he managing the time? Who is taking care of production when he is out for marketing? How would he be dealing with marketing terms and techniques with no experience in marketing? What sort of reporting he must to doing in front of management to showcase his performance. Most important was how management is getting convinced with his performance.
Now, this was like bombarding on the Human Resource person; because it is really very difficult to digest for HR person to accept this that, a person can handle three major departments of the company individually. With the team still it is acceptable for handling production and quality, but along with production and quality marketing was something which did not convince me.
When HR hire's, they hire a person with specialisation so that he/she can utilise his core experience and contribute to the growth of the organisation; unfortunately, in many of the unstructured organisation management fails to understand that a person can perform well in his/her core area rather than different field. Management need to understands when a person claims of handling many departments he/she is actually manipulating the data and reporting with now quality output.
You can be a jack of all and master of none, but you cannot be master of all.
It is always expected from the manager's to be a good team player, they should know how to delegate the work and get the work done; else there is a problem in hiring or the person is manipulating reports. Many times manager those who wish to keep their incompetency hidden they use this theory /concept of handling their department.
Management needs to wake up and check and recheck.
Leader’s who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by the people
who have nothing to say