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Making Your Research Simple

Accomplishing research is sometimes imperative and sometimes passion, but research is more about your interest in doing something profoundly, finding new things and working on it and developing the ideas. The real value for a researcher lay in the process of crafting her/his roadmap to reach the goal in a stipulated time.
We all talk about organizational politics and had undergone the impact of it. Organizational politics exists everywhere, some time to get the work done, sometime to show the prominence of power. We can also consider the phenomena as organizational politics when things are not communicated clearly.
 In research, politics occurs due to the stress level on supervisor and the researcher. Recently I came across many research scholar getting depressed during their research, even studies show that maximum research scholar are undergoing depression due to the stress during their research work.
With my research in Human Nature and rich experience in HR, I am always keen on observing the people. I thought of sharing my experience with the research scholars and the supervisors with an intention to reduce the communication gap between the two.
I have always been passionate in doing innovative things; my research was on Human behavior, my core area pertaining to observing organizational politics and human nature.
Organizational politics crashed my heart to deep, when one fine day, I started my routine office work and a staff walked in with nicely dressed saree. But she seemed to be a bit upset with uncombed hair falling on her face deliberately confirming me that she was disturbed in heart and soul. She wanted to express something but she was unable to start with. I offered her a glass of water. By the time she could finish her glass of water, her eyes were filled with tears, and then slowly professionally controlling herself she started, “Madam, I want to share something important”. She told, “the way my supervisor behaving with me is not proper”. As a woman, she was struggling to disclose the matter but when the communication happens between lady to lady, we understand everything. However, I started observing the behavior of the supervisors with the research scholars which always shakes me from inside. Sometimes, you do not get to learn for two-three years but all of the sudden within few months you learn what you have missed. My last journey of Ph.D. taught me a lot. For instance, I was discussing with my guide’s guide, sharing with him my knowledge experience with my guide.  He told me in reply that “always remember if you have to give something to someone give it gracefully”, that is what I have taught to all my students, I practice the same, and I would like you also to follow the same. I always keep his words in my mind. But when I see few people not following this, I really wonder where is the virtue of “Guru Shishya”, the beautiful relationship with lots of love and respect between mentor and mentee have disappeared.
Research is a passion and cannot be done forcefully. When research is done with passion the output is really something appreciating. Teaching and research both are different sides of a coin. A person good in teaching may not be interested in research and vice versa. Anything done with determination and passion gives good results, but unfortunately in our country research is compulsory, everyone is running behind it, rather than understanding its importance just for the sake of promotion.
Accepting the truth that research has now become more of promotion rather than interest, quality of research is also degraded. We cannot deny the fact of politics in research neither the workplace can be made free from this dominance of powers. Knowing your role and the purpose you are inside the organization saves you from the being the victim of powers. Communication is not only about talking, but it's also about listening understanding and sharing emotions and feelings. If those communication gaps are well plastered through effective personal attitude then it’s not a Rocket science to handle politics.
Choose the area for research of your interest and which is close to your heart, then aim like Arjuna in Mahabharata towards the bird’s eye substantiating the fact “without focus, there is no success”.
When I started my research, I realized the problems faced by the research scholar as well as the supervisor. Both are sailing in sinking the boat and quite often trying to save themselves. For every research scholar, a paramount thing is to reach the level of self-actualization. Sometimes, this may not happen because of priorities changes as per the needs. But every time when research scholars are set out of the track, it is the duty of the guides to set them back on track.
The olden school of 'Yes sir, Yes sir' trend no more applies to the Mentor-mentee relation. Presently it should be a genuine, sincere, friendly, passionate, mutually beneficial, and constructive, respecting each other. As I said earlier, set your aim upon your research, never work for the reward neither ever ceases to do the work. There can be a hundred reasons but only one thing most important is 100% dedication during the research tenure. So never perch to rest during your expedition. Reach the limit and turn back to see the flourishing memories of success.

Your supervisor plays a very important role in your journey of Ph.D., hence you should be clear that what you should expect from your supervisor. At the same time, you should also know what your supervisor expects from you.


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