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Wrong is Wrong

Published in Impact journal 

When we take birth, we are dependent on others when we grow as children, we mimicked our elders, we learn from our culture surrounded by us, then we develop socially. Once we start growing, we adapt our culture surrounded by us we observe and try to behave accordingly, which is accepted by our society. The most beautiful part of being a child is we are taught to behave equally, no discrimination regardless of caste, creed, gender while making friendship we don’t ask caste, religion anything we follow only one religion and that is humanity very neutral no expectation, no demand, no caste, creed difference only love. They are always there in your life. People come and go in your life, but the friend will always remain with you as they are no matter what the situation is. When we are in trouble the most approachable person is a friend.
Recently when we all are unitedly fighting with COVID19, instead of thanking our generalist, media, doctors, nurses, police and all those who are working selflessly for our society, because of the carelessness of few people, people sitting at home and creating problems through whatsup by forwarding messages on religion, the mistake created by few people in the community, community as a whole cannot be blamed, because human nature does not depend on particular caste or religion.

Yes! what Markaz (Tablikjammat) people did is wrong, Misbehaving with doctors is wrong, Misbehaving with the nurse is wrong, fighting in this scenario is wrong, gathering for Namaz at one place is wrong, those attending pooja in the temple with CM is  wrong, wrong is when it was told to clap or slam plate from home people gathered and did that, but when you are sitting at home and making it all about religion is very wrong.
Mistakes are bound to happen, everyone is of different human nature and culture, their surroundings are different but that does not mean the people surrounded by us are also alike. Human nature does not depend on any caste or religion most of it is adapted from the society they live in.
Where most of the people are struggling for their lives, poor are hungry, we are living in fear thinking when our turn will come, will we be alive, what next this question is in everyone’s mind. This is the time when we must trust humanity.
“Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.”
-Ally Condie
Dr. Nikhat M Hamza


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