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Word of Gratitude for Teachers


Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

The COVID – 19 pandemics has changed the whole world, every sector of the society is changing, changes in operational style, the behaviour of the people, changes in their regime, the pandemic is positive for people who are comfortable operating from home, and negative for those who are not willing to. It has broken our perception of what is normal and deconstructed society as we know it. One such critical area where the need for change has become compulsory is education.

When it is sometimes tough to manage the students in the classroom, even when you think you are prepared, there is always that unexpected behaviour from the difficult students, regardless of the age group you teach there are few students in every classroom they make classroom teaching challenging for other students, especially teachers. And it is hard to handle these students and keep the classroom going smoothly. It is a tough time for the students as well as the teachers.  I am being HR in education admire faculties for their patience and courage.  

When the people are not in a position to communicate face to face it is natural to feel disheartened but the simple act of showing appreciation form the bosses, especially during tough times, can boost the employee engagement. due to our busy schedule, we forget to take the time and say “THANK YOU” to our team. When you highlight people’s strength, it ignites them and boosts their willingness for more and better work.

Gallup study found that staff who do not feel recognized for their achievements are twice as likely to say they’ll quit. It is necessary to praise to employees frequently even colleague should develop the habit of appreciating each other’s this develops the strong bonding between them and help in the smooth transaction of the work. However, the companies or bosses who keep finding the mistakes by telling what the employees are bad at, where they went wrong, what they messed up losses, performers.

This lock down has made us realized the importance of our communication between the bosses and the employees. People are losing their mental health due to a decrease in communication. However, thanking your employees for their hard work or write a short note for praising their hard work will work effectively.

So thank all my faculties and the faculties in the profession “Thank You” for being there for students. You all have saved the future of the children and the country. You were busy continue shaping the future even during this pandemic.



Amazing piece of advice and encouragement in times of hardship caused by "the pandemic, which is positive for people for those are comfortable working from home, and negative for those who are willing to"The words" Let me dream it, Envision it , Think it, Grow it, Live it and own it" are both practical and inspiring. Everything is possible for one who believes and determined towards the goal.Clear Vision, Iron Will and Hard work will transform any goal into physical reality is an important message to inspire the mentors and the young learners today. Thank You. All the best.
sreelekha said…
Very well said,let me be me...that's what each individual wants to tell the world.

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